Here are a couple of short tools i wrote to help build fk controls during rigging. Hope you find this helpful.
//treat like selecting target then base shape, icon, then destination jnt //it puts control at destination, freezes its transformations, groups it with same name, you need to then unparent it to world string $sel[] = `ls -sl`; { if(size($sel) == 2){ //no error checking string $curve = $sel[0]; string $joint = $sel[1]; delete(`pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 $joint $curve`); parent $curve $joint; makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $curve; //freeze transformations string $ctrlPar = `group $curve`; rename $ctrlPar ($curve+"_grp");//assumes we want to rename it } } //select cvs of all selected curves string $curve[] = `ls -sl`; //no error checking string $result[] = {}; for($arg in $curve){ select -r $arg; selectCurveCV all;//no error checking $result = stringArrayCatenate( $result, `ls -sl` ); } select -r $result; //make world null group on selected using default suffix { string $sel[] = `ls -sl`; for($arg in $sel){ string $ctrlPar = `group $arg`;//should default world axis at origin rename $ctrlPar ($arg+"_par_grp");//assumes we want to rename it } }
Inspired by Michael Comet (comet-cartoons dot com) Check out his amazing tools that are incredibly helpful for rigging.