Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Copy Single Pose From one frame to Another (Python)


Here is a tool i wrote that transfers animation on all selected objects from a source frame to a destination frame.

Hope you find it helpful,

#####requires all animated controls selected
#cpPoseSingleFrame.py copy pose from one frame to another
#@author Nathaniel Anozie

#@note inspired by James Park (arcsecond dot net) learning about making python Maya ui from online tutorials

#modify at own risk

#last updated: 02/19/2014 -- adding better integration with Maya, fixed ui bug finding global variables
#last updated: 02/18/2014 -- initial release

import maya.cmds as cmds

def cpPoseSingleFrame():
 #global toField, fromField, winName
 winName = 'cpPoseSingleFrame'
 if( cmds.windowPref(winName, exists = True) ):
     cmds.windowPref(winName, remove = True)
 if( cmds.window(winName, exists = True ) ):
 cmds.window(winName, t = "Copy pose on single fr", wh=(100,70),rtf=1)
 cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn = True, columnAttach = ["both",5], rowSpacing = 8, columnWidth = 100)
 #fromField = cmds.intFieldGrp( numberOfFields=1, label='From Frame', value1=1 )
 #toField = cmds.intFieldGrp( numberOfFields=1, label='To Frame', value1=1 ) 
 cmds.intFieldGrp( "fromField", numberOfFields=1, label='From Frame', value1=1 )
 cmds.intFieldGrp( "toField", numberOfFields=1, label='To Frame', value1=1 ) 
 cmds.button( "poseButton", label='Copy Pose', command=("cpPoseCollectAndCall()") )
 cmds.showWindow( winName )

#global toField, fromField, winName

def cpPoseCollectAndCall():
 #global toField, fromField, winName
 toArg = cmds.intFieldGrp( "toField", value = True, query = True)
 fromArg = cmds.intFieldGrp( "fromField", value = True, query = True)
 anim = cmds.ls(selection = True)
 posePaste( fromFrame = fromArg[0] ,toFrame = toArg[0], anim = anim )

#copies animation between two frames -- copying from into to 
def posePaste(fromFrame = 35,toFrame = 21, anim = []):
 #fromFrame = 35
 fromFrameRange = ( fromFrame, (fromFrame+1) )
 #toFrame = 21
 toFrameRange = (toFrame,toFrame)

 cmds.copyKey( anim, time = fromFrameRange, float = fromFrameRange, option = 'keys', hierarchy = 'none',
 controlPoints = 0, shape = 1)

 cmds.pasteKey( anim, time = toFrameRange, float = toFrameRange, option = 'merge', copies = 1, connect = 0,
 timeOffset = 0, floatOffset = 0, valueOffset=0 )

