Saturday, February 15, 2014

Python tool to bring in a reference image in Maya


Today, I wanted to share with you a script I wrote in python to bring in a reference image in Maya and some workflow tips i used to complete it.

The major take aways are:
-- its possible to use Maya Api with Python to get information about images example (here i use it to get a jpg's dimensions so I could figure out how big to make a plane polygon in Maya)

-- I made the entire script in about 4hours which was a pretty long time but some techniques that helped were to try to figure out in a simple text file how to make certain pieces of the tool work .. like a broke it into
----- writing a brief description of how we know the tool is done by creating the result of the tool in Maya manually.  Then I wrote out parts of how i made it manuallylike:
--- getting file path from user
--- getting dimensions of image
--- making a poly plane
--- making materials that can have an image on it
--- some clean up and preferences stuff

(Tip 1: for using online Maya c++ Api and OpenMaya is to search for class doc for c++ version then look for a function in it that might be what we want ...  then google search examples of OpenMaya using that function .. then were off to the races with examples of how to use new python api functions to do what we want)

(Tip 2: use help(function) if stuck on how to use a Python function.. like i forgot how to use python file in Maya from a custom location but i remembered it had to do with sys, so i did help(sys) and found it had a path function then i did a help(sys.path) and print sys.path to see it gives a list .. then with sys.path.append i could add the custom path which i wanted to use for testing purposes )

Hope this was helpful

To use tool have the script where Maya can find it, could use sys.path.append if saved it somewehere else, i named the file ( so to use it:

import na_addRefImage as na

an example result after tweaking the Texturing Resolution of shader

and here is the code i wrote
#automatically bring in a reference image into maya so no longer have to do this again ::: ))
#@author Nathaniel Anozie

#@note inspired by Ricardo Viana (mayapy dot wordpress dot com) tutorials on shading groups
#@note inspired by Brian Ewert (xyz2 dot net) tutorials on texutres and materials
#@note inspire by Will Zhou's online tutorials on Open Maya and MImage (python inside maya, googe groups)
#@note inspired by Autodesk ( online tutorials on MImage api 
#Modify at your own risk

#last updated: 02/15/2014 -- initial release -- working on setting Hardware Texture Resolution via api

import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
#import os

def addRefImage():
    """add reference image in maya from file path at origin with front plane in +z"""

    filePath = cmds.fileDialog()
    #print filePath
    #filePath = '/Users/noa/Desktop/testImage.jpg'

def na_addRefImage(filePath = "/Users/noa/Desktop/testImage.jpg" ):
    print '[na_addRefImage] Building Reference Image for Modeling ...\n'
    ##get Image size at a path :)))) hurraay
    image = OpenMaya.MImage()
    #image.readFromFile( r"/Users/noa/Desktop/testImage.jpg" )  ## image.getSize( widthPtr, heightPtr), width = scriptUtil.getUint(widthPtr)
    image.readFromFile( filePath )
    #we will use these later to point to Maya backend data, and be able to get numbers can actually use in script
    wScriptUtil = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()
    widthPtr = wScriptUtil.asUintPtr() #these are pointing no where .. they do say we will later be getting numbers though Uint
    hScriptUtil = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()
    heightPtr = hScriptUtil.asUintPtr()
    wScriptUtil.setUint(widthPtr, 0)
    hScriptUtil.setUint(heightPtr, 0) #i think this is necessary
    image.getSize(widthPtr,heightPtr) #aha now they are pointing to something reason we need an MImage to begin width
    widthInt = wScriptUtil.getUint(widthPtr) #getting an int from a pointer is reason we needed the MScriptUtil
    heightInt = hScriptUtil.getUint(heightPtr)
    width = float(widthInt)
    height = float(heightInt)
    #print width,height
    #########done getting dimensions for maya plane
    #make geo for ref image
    w = width/100 #could make 100, 1000 to get it smaller
    h = height/100
    meshRefImage, meshRefImageShape = cmds.polyPlane( width = w, height = h, sx = 1, sy = 1, ax = [0,0,1], cuv = 2, ch = 1)
    ##make material and make shading group
    shaderForRefImage = cmds.shadingNode(  'lambert', asShader = True )
    sgForRefImage = cmds.sets(renderable=True,noSurfaceShader=True,empty=True, name = 'myShadingGroup')
    ##assign material
    cmds.connectAttr('%s.outColor' %shaderForRefImage ,'%s.surfaceShader' %sgForRefImage), replace = True)
    cmds.sets( e = True, forceElement = sgForRefImage )
    #put ref image on ref geo
    fileNode = cmds.shadingNode( 'file', asTexture = True) #Create a file texture node
    placeTexture = cmds.shadingNode('place2dTexture', asUtility = True)  #shadingNode -asUtility place2dTexture;
    attr  = ['coverage','translateFrame','rotateFrame','mirrorU','mirrorV','stagger','wrapU','wrapV','repeatUV','offset','rotateUV','noiseUV','vertexUvOne','vertexUvTwo','vertexUvThree','vertexCameraOne']
    for at in attr:
        cmds.connectAttr( placeTexture+'.'+at, fileNode+'.'+at )#connectAttr -f place2dTexture1.coverage file1.coverage;
    cmds.connectAttr( placeTexture+'.outUV', fileNode+'.uv' )
    cmds.connectAttr( placeTexture+'.outUvFilterSize', fileNode+'.uvFilterSize' )
    cmds.connectAttr( fileNode+'.outColor', shaderForRefImage+'.color' )
    #actually put ref image on ref geo
    cmds.setAttr(  fileNode+'.fileTextureName', filePath, type = 'string' ) #setAttr -type "string" ( $fileNode + ".fileTextureName" ) $filepath;
    ##place image to cover mesh exactly
    maxLength = max(width,height)
    cmds.setAttr(  placeTexture+'.coverageU', round( width/maxLength,2 ) )
    cmds.setAttr(  placeTexture+'.coverageV', round( height/maxLength,2) )
    #setAttr "place2dTexture1.coverageU" 1.41;
    #make the texture resolution of file node higher
    #tip this makes the resolution attribute showing in Maya , without this this attribute wouldnt exist
    mel.eval("AEhardwareTextureQualityCB \"color transparency ambientColor incandescence normalCamera diffuse translucence\" "+shaderForRefImage+".message")
    cmds.setAttr(fileNode+'.resolution', 256 ) #setAttr ($texture+".resolution") 256; #32,64
    #change alpha of image
    alpha = 0.75
    cmds.setAttr(shaderForRefImage+'.materialAlphaGain', alpha ) #setAttr "lambert2.materialAlphaGain" 0.7523;
    #show texuture in perspective view
    cmds.modelEditor('modelPanel4', edit = True, displayAppearance = "smoothShaded")
    cmds.modelEditor('modelPanel4',edit = True, displayTextures = 1),replace=True)
    print '[na_addRefImage] Complete! ... If needed increase Resolution under Hardware Texturing of: %s ...\n' %shaderForRefImage
