Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tiger Face Deformations

He're i'm working on rough jaw block skinning.

update 0226:
i added a jaw closed look, slight puffiness on upper portion of lips

update 0224:
here beginning to add blinks. i found it helpful in separating blinks to reuse upper or lower lid selections.  Please find that tool i wrote here: script

update 0219:
He're im working on roundness of jaw, i tried making a blendshape to help with roundness this may or may not be used with final shapes.
He're is some process i used in ZBrush. By isolating selection (the mouth area) it made it easier tweaking the shape.  I used move topo and move brush mainly, reducing intensity so could move shapes more gradually.
(ctrl + shift + drag rectangle, was what i used to isolate the area i wanted to work on like so)

update 0218:
Here i'm working on art directed roundness of the jaw open. i'll probably use ZBrush to make a narrow shape for jaw open, a default shape for jaw open and possibly a wide shape for jaw open.  I'll then probably see how these shapes work when the jaw is closed.

Happy Rigging!

Character Design By Alan Stewart (artofalan dot com)