Friday, November 22, 2013

MEL Tips for cleaning up Rig

Happy Friday,

Here are a couple code snippets I wrote to cleanup Barky v0.0 see rigs section in downloads.  Hope its helpful:

Making Layout locators hidden:

//first select top of all group
//then select hierarchy

//select locators in hierarchy
select -r `ls -type locator`

//hide them
for($arg in `ls -sl`){
setAttr ($arg+".visibility") 0;

Making Layout Geo inside a layer:
//make a layer
createDisplayLayer -name "layer1" -number 1 -empty;
// Result: layer1 // 
setAttr layer1.visibility 1; setAttr layer1.displayType 0; setAttr layer1.color 3; rename layer1 doNotTouch;
// Result: doNotTouch // 

//first select hierarchy

//select locators in hierarchy
select -r `ls -type mesh nurbsSurface`;

//put them in layer
editDisplayLayerMembers -noRecurse doNotTouch `ls -selection`;
