Sunday, July 13, 2014

Some topology tips in ZBrush


Today i was working on making a model i had sculpted have better proportions and topology for some shoulder and hip deformation tests.

Basically i used zremesher together with polypainting a bluish color to try to start creating a more deformation friendly mesh.  Notice using a lighter blue had a bigger simplification than a dark blue.  Also i think need more zremesher guides on the feet and legs so loops are not spirally like (using shift to close loops).

Also i had an idea for a tool in Maya that given some two selected edges tool reduces a certain number of edgeloops.

Hope some of this process is helpful.

here's a case of the spirally behavior, to address it i selected the edge and removed it, then tried to rebuild edge at the important contours.

 this was reason why additional zremesher guides in legs would have been helpful so could simply remove edgeloops versus reconstructing them.


Inspired by Elliot Golfinger's  Human Anatomy for Artists
Inspired by Philippe Faraut's Figure Sculpting Volume 1
Inspired by Ryan Kingslien's online tutorials on Zremesher (ryankingslien dot com)