Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tip: Using Hotkeys for Maya Rigging

Happy Wednesday,

Here are a couple hot keys I wrote for Maya (mel) that i've found useful for rigging, (especially the reveal selected in outliner one).
//Reveal selected in outliner ---
outlinerEditor -e -sc 1  outlinerPanel1;

//template locators --
eval("select `ls -type locator`;\n toggle -state on -template");

//untemplate all locators --
eval("select `ls -type locator`;\n toggle -state off -template");

//toggle on off nurbs curves --
int $mode = `modelEditor -q -nurbsCurves modelPanel4`;
int $toggleMode = 1-$mode;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves $toggleMode modelPanel4;

//toggle on off joints --
string $window = `getPanel -withFocus`;
int $mode = `modelEditor -q -joints $window`;
//why 1 minus is so we can use one hot key to toggle both
modelEditor -e -joints (1-$mode) $window;

Hope this is helpful,
